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The Investigators

“All my life people have been telling me I was unique and then I saw myself on camera and realised I was – there is only one me! The film was a great achievement.”

Participants: 20 Year 4 students from Southwark Park Primary School.

Artist: Michael Szpakowski (video artist, composer and facilitator)

The Investigators followed a group of Year Four children and their teacher through their science studies for an entire school year.

Michael Szpakowski and Furtherfield made a documentary film with the children from Southwark Park Primary that examines the investigative skills in Science. The project focused on developing the use of digital media within the classroom, and as a tool for learning that the children can use themselves. Around a framework of footage shot in lesson time and on trips out is assembled other material – creative writing and artwork by the young people as well as re-enactments and discussion of the lessons.

Partners: Creative Partnerships, A New Direction, Southwark Park Primary School